The Coalition for Fisheries Transparency is a global network of civil society organizations that work together to improve transparency and accountability in fisheries governance and management.


Lack of transparency and accountability in fishery information, activities, and decision-making has enabled fisheries mismanagement, illegal fishing, human rights and labour abuses, and fraud and corruption. This in turn results in overexploited fisheries, threatened livelihoods, food insecurity in coastal communities, and puts at risk safety and security of crews.

Fisheries transparency is a tool to support sustainable, healthy fisheries, maintain thriving coastal communities, protect crew onboard vessels, and encourage effective governance. Transparency, in this context, means more and better, freely available, and directly accessible fisheries information which allows all actors to engage in a public debate on the governance of fisheries globally.

Global Charter for Fisheries Transparency

The Global Charter for Fisheries Transparency is a set of 10 policy principles designed to be adopted by governments globally, in law and in practice. These principles address the lack of transparency in three critical areas: vessel information, fishing activity, and  governance and management.

Discover the Charter

Our members


Members are at the heart of our initiative as they drive the Coalition’s work by identifying the challenges and priorities to advancing transparency in their countries and/or regions.

How to become a member?

An interested organization can apply for membership in the Coalition by filling out the member application form.

Fill out the member application

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