
All (46)

Destructive Fishing Watch Indonesia (DFW)


An alliance of non-governmental organizations concerned with the issue of destructive, illegal, unreported an unregulated (IUU) fishing.


Asian Research Institute for Environmental Law (ARIEL)


A law institute focused on providing practical solutions to environmental law problems. It adopts a multi-disciplinary approach to solving environmental issues with an emphasis on ecologically sound measures and participatory methods.


Seafood Legacy


A social venture that supports sustainable seafood initiatives by seafood companies, financial institutions, governments, and NGOs.


Citizens’ Institute for Environmental Studies (CIES)

South Korea

A specialized research institute of the Korean Federation for Environmental Movements (KFEM) that represents civil society.


The Development Institute (DI)


A non-government sustainable development organization formed with a goal of creating an enabling environment for empowering civil society organizations and communities to facilitate the linkage between micro and macro levels of society for sustainable development. We have been consistent in our commitment to sustainable development in Ghana, ranging from the international level to the grass roots, believing that what matters is to make a lasting impact on the ground and to give a voice to those who are overlooked by global and national politics.


PRCM (The Regional Partnership for Coastal and Marine Conservation in West Africa)


A coalition of actors working on West African coastal issues and covering seven countries: Mauritania, The Gambia, Guinea-Conakry, Sierra Leone, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Senegal.


One Earth Future


Secure Fisheries is a programme of One Earth Future working with local, regional, and international stakeholders to strengthen fisheries governance, combat illegal fishing, and promote sustainability in fragile and post-conflict regions as a pathway towards greater peace and stability.




A non-profit organization that works in partnership with individual companies – coalitions of industry, NGOs, and other stakeholders - across the seafood supply chain to advance each organization’s specific efforts to address environmental, social, illegal fishing, and traceability risks in their business and across their supply base.


International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR)


A coalition of +40 member and partner organizations committed to ending corporate abuse of people and the planet.


The Pew Charitable Trusts


An independent non-profit organization which mission is to improve public policy, inform the public and invigorate civic life. We use data to make a difference – addressing the challenges of a changing world by illuminating issues, creating common ground, and advancing ambitious strategies that lead to tangible progress. Pew is committed to generating research, providing technical assistance, and building relationships to advance powerful, positive change.


Our members

Members are at the heart of our initiative as they drive the Coalition’s work by identifying the challenges and priorities to advancing transparency in their countries and/or regions.

Membership in the Coalition for Fisheries Transparency represents civil society organizations’ endorsement of the Global Charter for Fisheries Transparency, demonstrating their commitment to advancing transparency in the fisheries sector. The Coalition supports members around the world in their advocacy efforts and provides opportunities for collaboration on joint initiatives. However, membership does not obligate members to support all Coalition activities, and actions taken or endorsements made by the Coalition do not necessarily reflect the views of individual members.

How to become a member?

An interested organization can apply for membership in the Coalition by filling out the member application form.

Fill out the member application